Thursday, 5 May 2011

AUI-S Students Commemorated the First Anniversary of Sardasht Othman’s murder

by The Third Eye
Thursday, May 5th, 2011, Sulaimani, Iraq- A group of the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani stood in front of the main building of the AUI-S and recalled the first anniversary of the Sardasht Othman, a Kurdish youth journalist who was killed last year. The students recalled that event by giving speeches, condemning this event and calling for more protections for journalists and free presses.

 Photos of the Event

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

No Country for Plagiarizers

Brwa Aziz-The Third Eye Cartoonist
by The Third Eye
Once upon a time, I was a level two student at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani. Almost everything was new for me, especially the curriculum because I came to AUI-S with a completely different background of the system of education. Days past and my English improved a little. We got to a day when Ryan Bubalo, my level 2 instructor, asked us to write an essay. I chose Newroz, one of the Kurdish national holidays, to write about. I went back to the memory of the days when my high school teachers appreciated any students who told them that they used internet or copied information about what was the teachers asked about. So, I directly went to Wikipedia, copied and pasted as much information as necessary about Newroz. Later, I gave my paper to my instructor on the due date.