Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Third Eye will no longer publish anonymous comments

by The Third Eye
The Third Eye received numerous anonymous comments recently, especially on the case of the new dorm prices. The Third Eye would like to inform its lovely readers that from now on its policy has changed toward posting comments. The Third Eye came up with this policy because of two reasons. First, we will never let people to attack each other personally. Second, we really want to encourage our readers to have no fear and be brave enough in expressing their feelings and ideas.
 The Third Eye is pleased to announce that any comments that carry the name of the commentators will be published without any censor.

Dr. James R. Harrigan: “No student is obliged to live in the dorms.”

Dr. James, Dean of the student's offcie
by The Third Eye
After The Rector’s Office sent out an e-mail that clarified the price of the new dorms, several students described that e-mail as a “shocking e-mail” and claimed that the price was just unexpected.
The Third Eye could contact with Dr. James Harrigian, The Dean of The Student’s Office, to shed some light on that e-mail.
In an interview with The Third Eye through an e-mail, Dr. James confirmed the decision and clarified several other points about that decision.
Dr. James said that it was absolutely up to the students to stay in the university houses.

Friday, 27 May 2011

AUI-S Students toward another Demonstration

by The Third Eye
AUI-S New Campus- AUI-S website
After an e-mail from The Rector’s Office explained how the new student houses will be look like, the students were bothered and gasped by the high prices of the new dorms. Therefore, they decided to take actions against that decision.
The students are shocked by the price of the new dormitories because the price is too high compare to the amount that each student pays for the dorm fee now.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

The Rector's Office Announced the Possibility to Have the New Dormitories in the new campus Finished for the Next Academic Year.

by The Third Eye
An e-mail that has recently been sent out by The Rector’s Office declares the possibility of providing the new student houses for the next academic year. According to the e-mail, the students have three choices in choosing  the types of rooms. Moreover, they will be able to assign their roommates and rooms soon. Students can choose among the following options.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Dan Reimold: “Recognize [The Third Eye] Would be the Star of the Show.”

Dan Reimold-Photo Courtesy of Google
by The Third Eye
Dan Reimold, American journalist and professor, is Assistant Professor of journalism and Faculty adviser of the Minaret Newspaper at the University of Tampa. He is the editor and main writer for College Media Matters,a blog affiliated with the Associated Collegiate Press, the largest and oldest U.S journalism organization.  Mr. Reinmold mostly writes about the student press throughout the U.S and in Southeast Asia. He arrived to AUI-S on Thursday may 10, 2011and was at AUI-S for about two weeks to write a research about the Voice. The Third Eye had a quick chat with Mr. Reimold, and he stated several interesting things about AUI-S environment.