Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Prayer Room Not a Threat to AUIS Secularism

The students seem to be very happy to attend classes at AUIS Campus as it houses comfortable conference rooms, lecture halls, computer labs, and classrooms. However, the campus lacks one of the most important places for many students: a prayer room. AUIS does not provide space for the daily prayers Muslim students must make-as other universities around the world do.

Many students and faculty staff members are forced to find temporarily empty classrooms to perform their prayers. It is difficult for the students to find a place without having to stare up and be looked down upon by across of other students when they pray. So, it should never be a problem a place on the campus for the university to set aside a small room where Muslim students and faculty staff members can pray without facing such problems. Since there is not a convenient mosque near campus where the students can go and pray, it is perfectly reasonable for the students to have a place on campus where they will be able to pray.