by Mahdi Mala Abdullah
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My host family, Khalifa, and I in Wausua |
Once I went through the MEPI schedule and observed almost all the activities that we were about to perform very enthusiastically. Nothing made me as much energetic as the date that was assigned to go and live with the American families. I was gasped when I read it. I was so positive for I knew it was going to be an amazing experience. At the same time, I was under the pressure of several cultural shocks that I expected to experience. I thought to do several things to keep the wonderful time that I spent in Wausua for the great memories that I recorded there. I also thought an open and thanks letter for my lovely host family would be the best source to keep that memoir recorded. Thus, I would love to thank Dwight and Sarah, my lovely parents, and Mac, Nic, Toney, and small Joe, my wonderful brothers, for the great hospitality they provided me.
My lovely family, I don't even know how to start my letter to you. It is really hard with my poor English to find words that could be suitable for everything you have done for me while I was hosted in your home.
Just to let you all know that I was so worry on the day when I left Washington and headed toward Wausua to meet you. I was like to be asked to do the most difficult test ever. The words, "Oh my God! How can I live with a family that I have never seen before? What type of personality those people will have? How can I adapt to their environment in a week? Does the family really want to host me although they never know who I am?," were the words that filled my mind up. I always had conversations in my mind about the challenges that I would face with you all when I was on my way to Wausua. Time went so fast when the bus stopped, and a very nice lady whose name was Michelle Wynhoff, who was Mrs. Wynhoff warmly welcomed us and said, "Welcome to Wausua." When she nicely directed us to a hall in the North Central and technical college, where she gifted us several pens, bottle of water, and provided us the schedule for the rest of the week that we would stay, I knew it was an experience that the luckiest people will face ever. Later on, she said that our host families were arriving and were waiting to see their host students. My heart started beating in a way that I was like there was a parade in my heart. I didn’t know how my family would be look like. Once my name was called to go and see my host family, I headed toward the door and walked out. I observed for a while to see a family that I have never seen even in the picture. I randomly choose a family who were six people. I said hello to that family based on the family whom I have chosen to live with in the application that was provided by MEPI before. I have chosen to live with a family who has many kids and a dog because I wanted to have as much challenges as I should with the American families.
It was a flamboyant family who warmly welcomed me. I have several expressions toward each member of that family at first. I was correct about some of them, but did really bad about some of the others. Dwight, my lovely Dad, dressed very funny. I guessed that he would never be serious in his life. Sarah, my sweetheart Mom, seemed to be introvert. I told myself that I would suffer a lot since I was so talkative and she was not. The kids, Mac, Nic, Toney, and small Joe, my dearest brothers, were those whom I expected to be devils. I told myself, "Good luck Charlie!" These were my first expressions toward each member of my host family, but how much did I correct?!
The best writer can never describe how great and merciful person Dwight, my Dad was. He taught me what the real mean of life was. He helped me to understand the way we should live. His priority was to help people be happy. He always advised me to spread peace among the people. He taught and proved me that the color of skin and the nationality that each one had were never matter in the world. The thing that he always took into his consideration was that how those various people could stand and live together. I could feel that he was so carious about the different types of people whom he observed around. Whenever I watched his eyes, I learnt so much about being kind and respectful toward anyone in the world. The words, "Charlie, my son, whenever you are in a place where so many people gather around , you should always observe around and see if you can find sad faces. Your job should be helping those people to be happy," were the words that I still can hear just like when I am listening to a song. This is one out of thousands of lessons that he taught me every day when we were together.
Dad, I am so grateful toward all the fantastic lessons that you taught me. You are one of the best and greatest people ever. One can never understand how great you are until he or she gets a chance to live and talk with you. I learn a lot from you. I am really influenced by the great personality you have. I wish all people could think and live just like you. Thus, the world would have nothing except peace!
Sarah, the best Mom ever, was just like my real mother. It was hard to differentiate between her and my real Mom since she looked at me just like I was her real son. She called me "son" in a way that was exactly like when my Mom did. I always enjoyed having conversations with her since she was one of the greatest schools where I have ever attended. She was positively serious in a way that one could always learn must-things in his or her life. I was really admired by her attitude that she could always be the key of any fantastic conversations that we had as a family. I thought she was introvert, but she was by far not. She was not talkative, but she was a debate manager. She always brought out those topics that we all could benefit from. She was so calm that not only humans, but also all the other creatures could understand what she was saying. She spoke to you not only with her mouth, but also with her eyes. You could always observe happiness and peace in her eyes. She was like an angel that one could always find smile in her face.
Mom, thank you so much for giving me as much love as you gave to Mac, Nic, Toney, and small Joe. I will never forget the mercy that you provided me just like my real mother. Thank you for calling me son and hugging me just like the other sons. I felt exactly like to be with my real family for the time when I was with you. You were exactly like my mom, and you are, absolutely. Words are countless to describe your performance as a great mother for me. I can still taste the best cookies that you always made when I was there. I can't wait until I see you and hug you again. Love You!
My cutest brothers, Toney, Mac, Nic, and small Joe, you are the best kids in the world. I have never expected that you would ever be as wise as you were. You were the best surprise for me, especially when you were together and showed the great respect toward the people around you and each of you. I still can believe how you could be such educated and wise in that age. You all have got an education that every kid should. All people should provide the same education that you parents have done so far.
My sweetheart brothers, you keep as they way you are. One day, I will absolutely come back, and we will play together again. I see a fantastic and amazing future for each of you. I 'm missing each of you way too much. Cheers!
Tony, I thank you so much for leaving your room for me while I was there. I appreciate that!
All in all, Mom, Dad, and brothers, I thank you so much in deep of my heart for the great hospitality that you all provided me. I felt nothing except happiness for the rest of the week when I was with you. The lessons that I have learnt from every single of you are uncountable. I recorded every single word that was come out from the mouth of each of you and will definitely remain in both my mind and heart forever. The family was like the best school where I have ever attended. I am counting myself as the fifth boy in that family. You always remember that you have the fifth kid who lives in Kurdistan of Iraq. I can't wait until I see you all again soon. Again, it is Not a goodbye, but See You Soon!
August 2011.
August 2011.
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